Wushu Basics

My friends Zhang Hao and Liu Xueqian on a hot summer day, doing a list of the basics for my records.

ban mabu, half horse stance
Bei gun, shoulder the staff
bing bu, stand to attention
cha bu, insertion stance
ding bu, T stance
gai ba, covering hit with the staff butt
gong bu, bow stance
gong bu beng gun, bow stance snap the staff
gong bu chong quan, bow stance punch
gong bu ci jian, bow stsance pierce with sword
gong bu bei gun, bow stance shoulder the staff
jian bei gun, shoulder the staff
kai bu chong quan, open stance punch
kai bu liang zhang, open stance flash palm
ma bu, horse stance
ma bu chong quan, horse stance punch
ma bu jia da, horse stance framing block and punch
pu bu, drop stance
pu bu chuan zhang, drop stance thread the hand
pu bu pi gun, drop stance chop the staff
ti xi bao jian, raised knee cradle the sword
ti xi liang zhang, raised knee flash palm
xie bu, resting stance
xie bu bei gun, resting stance shoulder the staff
xie bu liang zhang, resting stance flash palm
xie bu zhe jian, resting stance cut with sword
xu bu, empty stance
xu bu tiao zhang, emoty stance scooping palm
zuo pan, basin sit

go to thewushucentre.ca to find out about Andrea, her teachers, and her club.

go to tglbooksca.com to find out about Andrea’s translations and writings on the martial arts.

all pages © Andrea Falk